Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Layering Principles

From http://martinfowler.com/bliki/LayeringPrinciples.html, (numbers are +ve vote/-ve vote)
* Low coupling between layers, high cohesion within them. 10/0
* Separation of concerns. 11/0
* Layers should be agnostic of consumers (a layer shouldn't know who's on top of it.) 4/4
* Adaptability: be able to change. 2/0
* User interface modules should contain no business logic. 10/0
* Business logic layers contain no user interface and don't refer to user interface modules. 8/0
* No circular references between layers. 8/0
* There are at least three main layer types: presentation, domain, and data source. 3/9
* Business layer only uses abstractions of technological services. 14/0
* Separate development teams by layer. 1/22
* Layers should be testable individual. 12/0
* Prefer layers to interact only with adjacent layers. 4/4
* A layer should be wary of exposing lower layers to upper layers. 1/0
* Layers should hide lower layers from upper layers.
* Layers should only interact with adjacent layers. 2/3
* Changing a lower level layer interface should not change upper layer interfaces. 2/5
* Distribute at layer boundaries 0/18
* Layers are a logical artifact that does not imply distribution between layers. 11/0
* Lower layers should not depend on upper layers. 6/0
* Every layer should have a secret. 3/2
* Layers should be shy about their internals. 8/0
* Layers should be substitutable. 2/0
* Layers can have multiple adjacent upper layers. 2/1
* Always wrap domain logic with a service layer. 4/5
* Rethrow exceptions at layer boundaries. 0/15
* Layers should be independently maintainable and versioned. 2/0
* Layers should have separate deployment units (eg separate jars or assemblies for each layer). 0/7
* Layers may share infrastructural aspects (eg security) 7/0
* The domain layer should not talk to external systems - the service layer should do that. 2/3
* Inbound external interface modules (eg web service handlers) should not contain business logic. 10/0

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